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There are certain moments I've always wanted to freeze and hold onto forever. I love looking back at those sweet, and sometimes even raw moments that have made up my life. 

Whether it's been marrying my favorite person, watching my kids write their name in those jagged lines, or savoring a happy memory after saying goodbye to a loved one. Moments like this were ones I wanted to hang onto, and hold as physical keepsakes. 
Meet Olive & Paul
Now bring in my husband. You tell him ANY dream for ANY project and he will make that dream happen.

You put a wood project in his hands and he makes magic! Mix my love for momentos with his love for building and, voila, our business was brought to life! 
In 2021 my Dad got sick—like break your heart and turn your world upside down sick. He was in the hospital in awful pain for a year. We almost lost him several times.

At that time my kids made some pretty great drawings for their Papa. As soon as my youngest boy drew a picture of Papa in his healing process, I knew it needed to be treasured forever. The love these kiddos have for him is something I never want to forget!
Little by little we started building frames and sharing heart warming pieces we knew would mean a lot to our friends and family. We knew this was also something we wanted to share with you!

Working on these projects and bringing all the nostalgia to life has brought us so much joy! We are so excited to bring some of your best and most treasured moments into a keepsake you can enjoy forever! 

We're currently at capacity for the 2023 holiday season and cannot accept any more orders. 

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